LeTourneau Site Quick Facts
When | November 6-7, 2009 Events will start Friday evening and continue until supper Saturday night. |
Where |
LeTourneau University Events will be held in the Education and Longview Hall buildings. See the Schedule of Events for details. |
Cost | The registration rate is $175. If you register prior to October 5, 2009, you will get the early registration rate of $125 (registration is based on postmark on envelope with check). Registration fees are for a team of three members and one coach. Guests and alternates are an additional $30 each. October 5, 2009. | |
Payment | Please make all checks payable to Programming Contest. This is very important! You should send your check or money order to the following address:
Programming Contest ATTN: - Jennifer Claudet Center for Computation & Technology Baton Rouge, LA 70803 |
Facilities | Each team will be provided one computer system for use during the contest. We will attempt to make each system as equal as possible. | |
Software | We are planning to run Linux. See the contest environment page for more details about the software to be used. | |
Judging | We plan to use the PC^2 software as we did last year. |
More details will be provided as they are determined and/or requested.
- ACM International Contest requires that teams be exactly three members (teams of two are not allowed). We will follow this guideline.
- ACM International Contest limits contestants to within 5 years of High School graduation. Exceptions can be approved. Please read the complete ICPC Regional Rules for the details.